Environmental.Knowledge is the contact point
for Environmental education in Lower Austria

Global Action Schools

Global Action Schools co-operating with their pupils on issues such as fair trade, climate change, and, subsequently, human rights and sustainable agriculture. Since 2006 more than 45 international schools (Malta, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic) of all school types are participating in the Global Action Schools Project.



The project’s three steps of “learning – researching – acting” motivate pupils to carry out activities while learning at the same time.


In terms of learning, teachers make inputs and Südwind NÖ Süd provides support in the form of workshops, further education and training, and didactic material from our development policy media library. In terms of researching, pupils put to practice what they have learned and inquire the state of matters in their personal (school) environment. On the basis of the experience thus gained, pupils draw consequences and take action to improve the situation. Global learning means to recognise the global effects of one’s own actions and, consequently, to act responsibly. For the entire term of the project, Südwind NÖ Süd will be available for support and tested expertise.


For the next stage, 2009 to 2012, Global Action Schools will acquire one more exciting facet: Your school will be given a possibility to transcend its boundaries and co-operate, on the level of your respective municipalities, with organisations of civil society or the municipalities themselves. Pupils, teachers and people from the municipality are jointly developing projects effective in schools or municipalities in the sense of sustainable development.


Schools and municipalities that successfully participate in the Global Action Schools Project will be designated as Global Action Schools by Südwind NÖ Süd.

We would like to seize this opportunity to thank our supporters and subsidisers, the European Commission, the Austrian Development Agency, and the Office of Government of the Province of Lower Austria, without whom we would not have been able to offer this project. Their support enabled us to make available teacher seminars, workshops, exhibits, teaching materials and informal talks to you.


Please contact us for any questions, comments, or if you wish to participate in Global Action Schools.

For information on the successful first stage from 2006 to 2009, please check our Webpage (www.suedwind-noesued.at) as well as the project Webpage (www.globalactionschools.org). The project received an award by the Austrian Commission of UNESCO as UN Project of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, among other recognitions.


Contact Global Action Schools:


Südwind NÖ Süd

Bahngasse 46,2700 Wr.Neustadt


Dr. Ingrid Schwarz, Manager


Mag. Matthias Haberl, Educational Representative







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Global Action Schools

Zu diesem international agierendem Schulnetzwerk gehören in NÖ ca. 70 Schulen.


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Amt der NÖ Landesregierung

Gruppe Raumordnung, Umwelt und Verkehr

Abteilung Umwelt- und Energiewirtschaft

Landhausplatz 1, Haus 16, Zi 16.413

3109 St. Pölten, Österreich


Dipl.-Ing. Veronika Käfer-Schlager, BEd


Telefon +43 2742 9005-15290

Fax +43 2742 9005-14350